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Bigrock is best and my favourate platform for domain names only because they offer genuine rates, free business emails and free yearly renewal system if you want to know why i prefer bigrock for domain names. Bigrock Domain also offers DNS advanced settings so you can also use them on Your Free Blogger Blogs. Must learn about custom domain settings for bigrock.
Today i will explain how you can add custom redirection for your bigrock domain names means if you have any .in, .net, .org, .com or any other extension and you want to redirect on any another domain or if you have any domain ABC.com and you want to redirect traffic to XYZ.com domain in bigrock but don’t how to start don’t worry within simple settings you can easily redirection or forward any domain to another one. Just like on our blog custom redirection is working. safetricks.net is redirected towards Safetricks.com. This redirection helps new domain to get position, preference and ranking same in search results as on old domain. Means their is no loss of traffic and site reputation.
If you want to setup your domain on redirection on any new domain accurately with holding same rankings in Google. Follow these below given steps.
First of all if your domain name already parked or used on any website or blogger removed it and add new domain on your site
  • Now log in into your bigrock domain account
  • Click on your domain name from list and find DNS settings section.
bigrock DNS - forwording settings
  • Click on DNS settings and then option cName records. If you have added any manual cName or blogger cName like ghs.google.com, Simple delete it. Remember instead of sub domains and emails cName, delete rest of others hosted cName.
  • Now Open A Records Section and if you find any A Records delete them and add these three A Records
1st A Records:-                              IPv4 Address:-
2st A Records:-  Name:- www          IPv4 Address:-
3st A Records:-  Name:- *               IPv4 Address:-
bigrock A records
  • After adding cName and A Records values correctly then open domain settings again and open Domain Forwarding.
  • Then Simple Add URL of new domain name which you want after redirection.
bigrock Domain forwording
  • If your old domain is previously parked on any site or blog and your pages are receiving traffic then must On Path forwarding which will redirect all path URL to destination path pages.
  • If you have any sub domains and you want to sub domain forwarding on new domain name then must On Sub domain forwarding.
  • After these settings Your domain name start forwarding within few hours. Make sure that new domain is correctly parked on your blog or site.
If redirection is start working then don’t forget to submit change request in Google webmaster to make Google clear about redirection and index and drive traffic to new destination domain.
After submitting change address request also submit sitemap of new domain name. If you want to know how to submit sitemap then must read Submit sitemap in Google webmaster.
Bigrock offer temporary based 301 redirection default system.These methods helps you to setup custom redirection. If you face any difficulty then must leave your precious comment.

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